internal server error 500 with pretty urls module
Posted 13 September 2021 - 10:33 AM
Posted 13 September 2021 - 01:04 PM
Hello,pretty clean urls module is available in 3 versions:purls16.zip - for prestashop 1.6.xpurls17.zip - for prestashop - 1.7.4.xpurls175.zip - for prestashop - 1.7.7.xdo you used module version that is dedicated for your prestashop version?if not - this is usually source of "internal server error 500".if you acidentally uploaded and installed wrong version, you will need to remove this file: /overrides/classes/Dispatcher.phpthen uninstall module in shop's back office with active option to "delete module files"then, go to https://mypresta.eu/my-account/orders/ and download module in version that is dedicated for your prestashop version and install module in shop's back officei offer my full support, if required.
You were absolutely right. I have configured another version which is not compatible. As per your suggestion I have removed dispatcher.php and my website was back online. I have installed correct version and followed your documentation, updated accordingly and it works fine for me. It does the job and thank you so much for immediate resolution.
Posted 26 September 2021 - 12:37 PM
i been sent you few tickets about the module problems. but never got a response...
the problem is after installed the module, the brand and supplier in the module can change to
see this
Screenshot 2021-09-26 202849.jpg
but the admin SEO/URLs
Route to supplier and Route to brand are not updated, still
see this
Screenshot 2021-09-26 202717.jpg
when tried to update ,got this error
see this
Screenshot 2021-09-26 202735.jpg
so, we cant activate both brand and supplier
at least give some advice and opinion about this.
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