Hello! Now i bought your module for generating feed for GMC. But is this module able to generate feed automatically every day which can I setup to GMC for automatical updating?
Public support for Google merchant center feed module With this addon you can easily export your shop's products to google. Module gives possibiltiy to export also product variants (combinations) as independent products, you can export size attribute, color attribute etc.

update feed of products for google merchant everyday
Started by
, Sep 01 2021 01:16 AM
gmc merchant google feed
1 reply to this topic
Posted 01 September 2021 - 01:16 AM
Hello! Now i bought your module for generating feed for GMC. But is this module able to generate feed automatically every day which can I setup to GMC for automatical updating?
You can achieve what you expect in two ways.
- you can use url that module generates here: https://i.imgur.com/gLBldTT.png
when you create products source on google merchant center select "scheduled fetch" as a source of products: https://i.imgur.com/9MG00zx.png
then in "file url" field paste url from "google merchant center" module export form: https://i.imgur.com/DVtrkL8.png
you can define there also how often google will connect to this url and get products
The url i proposed to use generates always up to dated feed of products. This means that google when will reach this url - will download up to dated feed.
- you can run cron job and save feed to file: https://i.imgur.com/6njp9IC.png
when you will switch optiton "save to file" to "yes" - module will save feed to file located in your hosting directories (in module directory)
once you will switch this option to "yes" - module will update its url to feed here: https://i.imgur.com/9MG00zx.png
copy this url and run cron job task with expected frequency.
Each time cron will execute this url, the feed will be saved to file pointed here: https://i.imgur.com/6njp9IC.png
you can use this feed url in google merchant center.
what are the differencies between these two methods?
Feed generation process can consume some resources on hosting account. In context of this:
- First method generates feed always when url will be reached.
If you expect to use feed in various websites (not only google) each time url will be opened - feed generation process will consume resources. This can generate some troubles if you have some limits on your hosting account. - Second method generates feed only when you will run cron job
feed generation process will be saved to file and you can point url to this file.
when various websites will connect to this file - this will not consume resources since you do not generate file
if I were you and if you will use this module only for google merchant center purposes - you can use first method without worries.
best regard
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: gmc, merchant, google, feed
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