Hi, I have some questions about the Prestashop Rewards - Voucher codes after orders module. 1) Can the module generate a voucher after the order, automatically, for everybody? 2) I want to generate vouchers automatically for customers, on their birthday. Is this solvable with the module? All the best, Szilamera

Automatically generate voucher for birthday and after orders
Posted 28 September 2021 - 07:55 AM
1) it does it automatically. But it does not generate it for everybody. It depends on configuration you use. For example - if some order will not meet defined requirements to receive a voucher code - module will not generate it.
2) module generates voucher codes AFTER purchase. The voucher generation process is 1 order-related (if order will meet defined requirements - module will generate voucher code). it does not generate voucher codes for birthday.
if you are looking for module to send voucher for customers' birthday, you can find it here: https://mypresta.eu/...day-coupon.html
best regards
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