Hello, is the module compatible version payment module is clictopay Country TUNISIA you can find the Clictopay module link on: https://github.com/nayzo/Clictopay
This is public support for bank transfer with discount. Our module gives possibility to create a bank transfer payment in your shop. When customer will select this payment method you can give a flat or percentage discount on order total value. Customer will see information about this discount during checkout.

1 reply to this topic
Posted 26 September 2021 - 09:22 AM
Hello, is the module compatible version payment module is clictopay Country TUNISIA you can find the Clictopay module link on: https://github.com/nayzo/Clictopay
Hello Kira,
i chcked clicktopay solution you shared.
from what i see its just a payment module. Our "bankwire" module will work with your clicktopay addon.
So i confirm that you can use both modules simultaneously.
I also confirm that our module is ready to work in prestashop 1.6.x including version
best regards
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