Hi Milo, is there a way do make a mass import? Or is is made by hand step by step? More than 1000 items
This is public support for Minimal product quantity module. Thanks to this addon you can set minimal quantity of item for each group of customers in your shop and accept multiplied quantities for products or combinations individually

minimal quantity for 1000 products, how to configure quickly?
Started by
, Sep 23 2021 10:29 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 23 September 2021 - 10:29 AM
module has feature to setup minimal quantity conditions in bulk,
feature is available on module's configuration page here: https://i.imgur.com/EJi2Zj7.png
if you're looking for some import feature - it is possible to import settings with database manager like phpmyadmin
it will be required to import datas to tables:
- if you want to define minimal quantity conditions for product: ps_minqc
where in csv file you need to have fields:- [id_product] - id of product
- [group] - id of customer
- [quantity] - minimal quantity value
- [id_shop] - id of shop (for multistore environment, if you do not have multistore - fill this field with "1")
- if you want to define minimal quantity conditions for combinations: ps_minqc_attributes
where in csv file you need to have fields:- [id_product] - id of product
- [id_attribute] - id of product's combination
- [group] - id of customer
- [quantity] - minimal quantity value
- [id_shop] - id of shop (for multistore environment, if you do not have multistore - fill this field with "1")
- if you want to activate to accept multiplied quantity for specific products only: ps_minqc_multiply
- [id_product] - id of product
- [active] - if multiply option will be active (1 - active, 0 - disabled)
- [id_shop] - id of shop (for multistore environment, if you do not have multistore - fill this field with "1")
best regards
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