Hi, Is it possible to show products with the following order in a list with "Product Extra Tabs Pro" Refernce, short desc, qty in stock, price and add to cart? Like this, https://shop.bluesto...4nx-plus-series KInd regards Johan

Posted 15 September 2021 - 11:09 AM
Hi, Is it possible to show products with the following order in a list with "Product Extra Tabs Pro" Refernce, short desc, qty in stock, price and add to cart? Like this, https://shop.bluesto...4nx-plus-series KInd regards Johan
The "extra tabs pro" module gives possibility to build custom contents in tabs manually. This means that you:
1) create a tab for product
2) fill it out with custom contents (with usage of rich text editor: https://i.imgur.com/zZOkFct.png )
it does not have any predefined contents that will be automatically created and displayed (like list of some other products).
I do not know what you exactly expect to show, but it looks like you want to display there list of some other products. Right?
in this case, maybe it is worth to use different module like "related products pro" to show "related" products on product page: https://mypresta.eu/...oducts-pro.html
with this module you can create tab like "printers" on selected product page (or on many product pages)
and display there list of selected products (these products wil lappear in the way you expect, with reference, available quantity etc.)
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