Hi. If module "Prestashop Gift Cards" : 1. is compatibile with Prestashop 2. support multilang? 3. support multistore (if not, the how it works in shop with multistore) 4. support multidomain in multistore Best regards, Aziz
Public support for addon to sell gift cards in PrestaShop. Our module gives possibility to create unlimited instances of gift cards. Each gift card can be associated with some specific product or product's combination. Customer after purchase can send gift card to friend as a pdf template and email. Module has advanced gift card value configuration form where you can specify detailed settings of gift card.

gift cards supports multilanguage and multistore ?
Started by
, Sep 01 2021 01:49 PM
gift multilanguage multistore
1 reply to this topic
Posted 01 September 2021 - 01:50 PM
Hi. If module "Prestashop Gift Cards" : 1. is compatibile with Prestashop 2. support multilang? 3. support multistore (if not, the how it works in shop with multistore) 4. support multidomain in multistore Best regards, Aziz
- module is ready to work with prstashop 1.7.7.x including prestashop
- yes, module supports multilanguage (this means - for example - that users will get gift cards in language they use in your shops front office)
- yes, it does support multistore (this means that each shop can have own unique gift cards, while these gift cards will not be avaialble in other shops). Module just gives possibility to define unique configuration for each shop in your store
- yes it does, its a part of "multistore" support
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