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This is public support for extra tabs module. Our module gives you possibility to create new additional tabs on product pages. As shop owner you can decide about layout of tabs that addon creates. Extra tabs can appear as independent tabs or in section where default tabs appear on product page. Module has many appearance conditions - thanks to this you can create tab on many product pages without creating tabs one by one for each product.

product models in extra tab

extra tab product combinations

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#1 cr7



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Posted 31 August 2021 - 05:49 AM

Hi, I have a question about the module you are selling extra tabs
My question is if this module allows me to create a tab to place there what are the models of my product plus apart if there can be a section of how many in stock something like this example.  I have already purchased 2 modules with you previously and I am very satisfied but I would like to ask for a request to test the backoffice of the module or if you can support me to clarify my doubt if it does what I need the module. Thank you very much

#2 Milosz


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Posted 31 August 2021 - 05:50 AM

Hi, I have a question about the module you are selling extra tabs
My question is if this module allows me to create a tab to place there what are the models of my product plus apart if there can be a section of how many in stock something like this example.  I have already purchased 2 modules with you previously and I am very satisfied but I would like to ask for a request to test the backoffice of the module or if you can support me to clarify my doubt if it does what I need the module. Thank you very much



The main question is about this part:

is if this module allows me to create a tab to place there what are the models of my product

Do you already have some module that creates such list of models? or you expect to create it somehow? Also, these models are combinations of the product?
I am asking because module extra tabs pro itself does not have any predefined contents. Everything that module displays is created by shop owner with usage of rich text editor: https://i.imgur.com/qgHHrw1.png 

There are 3 possibilities:
1) your products have variants (combinations) but you do not have any module that creates list of combinations
2) your products have variants (combinations) and you have some module that creates list of combinations
3) your product do not have variants (combinations) and you want to create list of models that will display different products (as model)

  1. want to create list of models and if you do not have any module that does it
    you will need to do it manually for each product and build such contents with rich text editor. It's nonsense in my opinion ;)
  2. want to create list of models and you have some module that does it (like combinations table module)
    you can use extra tabs pro to display this module inside tab (with special feature to run modules that is implemented to extra tabs pro module {HOOK:(1):(2)} where 1 is a module name and 2 is a name of hook to run)
  3. want to create list of models but your product do not have combinations and you expect to create list with different products
    in this specific case you will need to use some module that will display list of products in that way
    this module can be related products pro 

let's clarify what's the current configuration of your products, your expectactions in details so i will be able to propose some workflow that will bring you expected features ;-)

best regards

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: extra tab, product, combinations

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