I represent a company currently in the initial stages of transitioning our website to a new platform. Presently, we manage 8,400 items, referred to as variants in PrestaShop, displayed across approximately 1,700 pages.
On our current platform, we have a feed to the Merchant Center encompassing all 8,400 items. This feed retrieves unique variant data such as item number, price, weight, brand, EAN, shipping information specific to the variant, and stock status, complemented by product data like descriptions.
As we test one of our brands in PrestaShop, we've encountered challenges due to multiple methods available for organizing our inventory. We've decided to minimize the number of pages to the current 1,700 products, where we aim to incorporate our 8,400 variants. We plan to avoid setting a base price or adjusting differences between variants. Instead, we're considering a solution without a base price and weight, utilizing the actual price and weight of the variants. This approach results in the loss of certain information regarding package sizes, which is acceptable to us, as we currently do not utilize this feature in our existing product feed.
We're exploring the option of adding a shipping module that allows us to set more detailed shipping information at the variant level, but that's a separate topic. Our goal is to minimize custom development due to historical challenges over time. We're seeking a Merchant Center module that enables us to retrieve the "actual price," weight, and other information from variants, while allowing us to supplement with general product information such as descriptions.
We've tested other product feed add-ons for the Merchant Center without success and would like to examine this one more closely. The information available on the site doesn't provide sufficient detail about the module's capabilities.
Is there anyone in this forum who has utilized PrestaShop in this manner in combination with this add-on and can provide us with more insights? We would appreciate any responses.