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Public support for Geolocation pro - currency and language by country module. Ask about this module and get free public help.


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#1 surffari



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Posted 27 August 2022 - 04:14 PM


I am looking for a module which can serve user the correct multishop and language/currency.


The shop would be serving customers in Europe (multishop 1) and USA (Multishop 2).


Can this module be used to do something like this:

If user from USA: Set Multishop 2, Currency USD, Lang EN-US

If user from UK: Set Multishop 1, Currency GBP, Lang EN-GB

If user from France: Set Multishop 1, Currency EUR, Lang FR-FR

If user from Germany: Set Multishop 1, Currency EUR, Lang DE-DE

#2 Milosz


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Posted 03 September 2022 - 06:51 AM

surffari, on 27 Aug 2022 - 4:14 PM, said:


I am looking for a module which can serve user the correct multishop and language/currency.


The shop would be serving customers in Europe (multishop 1) and USA (Multishop 2).


Can this module be used to do something like this:

If user from USA: Set Multishop 2, Currency USD, Lang EN-US

If user from UK: Set Multishop 1, Currency GBP, Lang EN-GB

If user from France: Set Multishop 1, Currency EUR, Lang FR-FR

If user from Germany: Set Multishop 1, Currency EUR, Lang DE-DE



the geolocation module for prestashop may work as you expect

it has feature to change available currencies and languages (also set default currency and default language) for visitors from selected country(ies).

you can set different configuration of module for each shop (in multishop context) and also for each country individually in each shop instance :)

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