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Public support for Google merchant center feed module With this addon you can easily export your shop's products to google. Module gives possibiltiy to export also product variants (combinations) as independent products, you can export size attribute, color attribute etc.

Wrong url genrated to product combinations (PS 1.6)

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#1 bcsaba



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Posted 13 July 2022 - 01:15 PM

Hi, If I want to export "All product variants " to csv file, the module generates wrong url.

The correct url is: /{id}-product.html#/{id}-attribute but the module generates just  /{id}-product.html#/attribute

So, the google merchat center gets wrong url to the product variants. The url without attribute is redirected to default combination.


It is a problem, because google gets the price from csv of the product variant, but becouse of the wrong url, its redirected to the default combination, and when the google checks the price, it shows the default product price. The google corrects the price, but show warning.

The problem is with PS .1.6.

PS 1.7 automatically redirects /attribute to /{id}-attribute


Can anyone solve the problem?

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